SIZE someone has been happy not based on economic level or position that has been obtained. Do you realize that a few simple things in life really have to make yourself happy more than you think. Here are eight signs that you actually have been happy.
1. Students who are full of smilesConsider again your yearbook when the high school. Apparently, they are photographed with a smile have a five times lower risk of divorce later in life than those who were photographed with an expressionless face, according to a recent study by the University DePauw. When we smile, positive aura will spread to the people around us so that we make others happy also participated.
2. Has a sisterPeople who are at least memilikissatu biological sisters have better social skills, more optimistic, and better able to cope with the problem, according to study results presented at the British Psychological Community conference. Saura women assessed mempu encourage communication and cohesion within the family.
3. Does not involve TVPeople who belong happy just to spend 30 percent of his time on television throughout, menueur University of Maryland study that analyzed 34 years of more than 45 thousand Americans. Known, those who rarely engaged in front of the TV more often socialize, read, and attend an event kagamaan so that they are healthier and have a good mood.
4. Displaying souvenirsYou who like to display photos or keepsakes that remind periods of personal happiness is more appreciative of life and happiness, says Sonja Lyubomirsky professor of psychology at the University of California. wonderful memories will remind you of kebahgiaan that will keep you motivated to get it back.
5. Diligent exerciseYou are diligent exercise and make it a priority less exposed to risk of stress and feel more satisfied for his life, according to Danish researchers. When compared with persons belonging to prefer to relax, those who regularly jog 70 percent lower risk of experiencing stress.
6. Healthy love lifePhysical proximity is an indicator of happiness, according to a study by economists David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald of the University of British. People who have been married certainly would have sex more frequently than single people that makes them feel happier.
7. Enjoying hot chocolateDrinking hot chocolate with a cup can also lead to positive feelings, according to research at Yale University. this may be because of the link between the warmth of the cup that we hold with hand and emotional warmth. The study shows that those who closely mengenggam cup of coffee or chocolate with more closely appreciate the hospitality of others, more generous, and confident.
8. Got two friendsAccording to one study, among the 654 people who have been married, those having at least two friends, could also be a husband, have a more mentally healthy.
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