Diet foods for healthy and stay fit body

FOOD we eat determines the physical and emotional health. During this time, you may have often heard the term healthy eating patterns. But, not a few people who are still confused with its application.
Healthy diet means a diet plan that includes a combination of all the nutrients the body needs, in sufficient quantities. A healthy diet should consist of three main meals and two snacks, with a menu that come from each food group every day, including all essential minerals and vitamins.
Plan a diet by looking at these points, helping the body stay fit, healthy and active. In addition, a healthy diet helps the immune system functioning properly, maintaining body weight remained stable, and you stay energized.
In order to function optimally, your body needs water, electrolytes, vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Balanced diet should include a menu of specific food groups in sufficient quantities, for example:
GrainGrains including wheat, weight, oats, and cereal. These food products contain carbohydrates that play a role in providing energy. Standard requirement of cereal for the body is six to eight servings per day.
Dairy productsDairy products including yogurt, cheese, and milk, rich in calcium.
Fruits and vegetablesCoconut milk fresh fruit and vegetables are cooked briefly to increase the intake of antioxidants in the body. Your daily diet should consist of two to four servings of fruit and vegetables fresh.
Eggs, fish, chicken, beans, meatAll these foods are rich in proteins that are useful for growth and repair body functions.

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