5 options stress preventing foods

Stress the word, seems familiar ears lita, who is not familiar with this word? Almost every individual experience. Especially in those who often chased by time constraints. Stress conditions often make the immune system and result in decreased easy to be sick, from colds to heart disease.

Actually foods that can reduce your stress like a warm oatmeal can increase levels of serotonin in the body so out a sense of calm and comfort. Other foods can reduce levels of cortisol and adrenaline, where they are stress hormones that exist in the body over time. Let's learn so you can feel more comfortable and reduce your stress level.

1. Foods containing complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates encourage the brain to make serotonin, giving rise to a sense of comfort, it is good to eat complex carbohydrates that can be digested properly. Good choice as a producer of complex carbohydrates are cereals, breads, pasta, and oatmeal. Complex carbohydrates can also make blood sugar levels stabilize.

2. Foods containing simple carbohydrates

Foods that contain simple carbohydrates include candy and soda can reduce stress for a short time. Simple sugars contained in them when ingested, will produce high levels of serotonin.

3. Orange

Oranges contain vitamin C that much vitamin C can reduce stress. A research states that consume 3000 mg of vitamin C before tackling a stressful task that can make cortisol levels and blood pressure became normal again.

4. Spinach

Maybe you still remember Popeye who love to eat spinach? Apparently he was not wrong to make spinach as their favorite food. The content of magnesium in spinach regulate cortisol levels. Magnesium tends to waste from the body when we eat the spinach adds stress and magnesium levels in the body. In addition to spinach, if you are not a lover of spinach, magnesium is also found in salmon and soy beans.

5. Omega-3 Fish

To make cortisol and adrenaline in the body still okay, friends with fish that contain omega-3, such as tuna and salmon. Thus, in addition to reducing stress, also good for protecting the heart. For maximum results, consume 3 ounces of omega-3 fish twice a week.

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